Hero initiative

I was trying to figure out what topic to hit on my first ever blog post, and then it hit me. Let’s talk about some of our heroes and the “Love the Blue” initiative. Love the Blue has a double meaning: love as an emotion/feeling (we love cops), and love as an action (let us show cops love).

I have a soft spot in my heart for law enforcement officers (LEOs). My brother, Lt. Steven McClain, is a cop back home in Texas for the Paris Police Department, and I have a few close friends who are police officers both in Texas and here in the Tri-Cities. 2019 has had a terrible start in regards to the loss of life in our country’s law enforcement community, most recently in Kittitas County. It made me reflect on the stress and worry that I’m sure a lot of LEO spouses have to deal with on a daily basis, concerned for the safety of their loved one. That led me to create the “Love the Blue” initiative/giveaway. It’s simply a way to recognize a local cop and then treat them and their spouse to an awesome date night where they can just relax and have a nice dinner they might not otherwise have. So we at TC Black will handle the transportation for the night, and then any other individual or business will donate a $100 gift of dinner at an upscale eatery. The giveaway is currently being implemented on Facebook on a monthly basis. All we’re asking is for members of the community to nominate a local LEO and say why they’re awesome! The focus is on cops/deputies who are out on patrol, putting their lives on the line to serve our community.

I definitely want to recognize businesses that contribute to this initiative, however I want the driving motivation to be one of gratitude, not advertising. It’s a way to give back without expecting much in return. I’m not doing this to boost my own audience or for recognition. That’s why I’m not asking for “likes and shares” on the Facebook posts. That being said, I hope the initiative gains support from the community such that people WANT to share and spread the love and recognition of our men and women in blue!

Any nominations received on this blog will be incorporated into the Facebook giveaway, so feel free to nominate an officer that has made a difference in your life!


Reflecting on Perfection